est. 1971
What is the Texas Limousin News?
​The TLA News is the official publication of the Texas Limousin Association and is devoted exclusively to Texas Limousin cattle. The TLA strives to make the publication serve as a voice for the Texas Limousin industry. The goal of the TLA News is to inform, educate and market Limousin cattle to cattle breeders, TLA members, and agriculturists. The TLA News is a great way for not only Texas Limousin Breeders to market their cattle, but anyone who is wanting to market their product and or business to people within the agricultural industry.
Where all does the TLA News go?
​The TEXAS LIMOUSIN NEWS goes to more than 2,500 registered and commercial producers, auction barns, county extension agents, vocational agriculture instructors, junior members, feedlots, and personnel of land grant universities. It is also distributed at livestock shows and sales throughout the year.
how much does it cost?
Advertising Packages
Premium - $800
One premium packaged offered per issue
Back cover ad in the TLA News
Three email blasts sent before December 1
Five social media posts
Gold - $600
One full page ad in the TLA News
Two email blasts sent before December 1
Three social media posts
Silver - $350
One half page ad in the TLA News
One email blast sent before December 1
One social media post
Bronze - $200
One quarter page ad in the TLA News
Card Ad - $50
One business card ad in the TLA News
Send print ready ads to texaslimousin@gmail.com. If you need assistance in creating an ad, we offer design services too. Advertisements can be created for $75 for a full page ad and $40 for a half page or quarter page ad.
AD dimensions
Full Page Ads - 8.5" x 11" with .125" bleed
Half Page Ads - 8.5" x 5.5" with no bleed
Quarter Page Ads - 4.25" x 5.5" with no bleed
Business Card Ads - 3.5" x 2" with no bleed
What are my other options?
With digital media playing such a big role in today's marketing and media. The TLA has decided to offer opportunities to our members to take advantage of our social media and digital platforms. The TLA will post or email blast content to help promote you and your cattle operation. Contact us to find out more.